Unless we go through the experience, it can be hard for us to understand what it's like to live with the feeling of being unhappy, having low self-esteem, feeling irritable, and be easily fatigued.
There are a lot of women who feel like this constantly desperate to understand how they can manage these symptoms.
Despite what we read, it is not a one size fits all approach because our symptoms and experiences can be due to our habits, reactions, environment, and lifestyle and hormones also play a part especially when we are in peri-menopause. Research suggests it is not uncommon for women to experience feelings of unhappiness or low self-esteem during peri-menopause and or even just before their menstrual cycle.
How can you support yourself?
Learn more about how you can rebalance your hormones.
Exercise, many studies show exercise can support our mental health. Just doing 2.5 hours of exercise per week can improve our mental wellbeing. Such exercise could include going for a brisk walk, cycling, doing housework, doing yoga, and pilates.
Journalling, when we write about our days and or feelings can help to minimise our stress levels. A study showed that journaling for about 15 to 20 minutes a day over the course of a four-month period was enough to lower blood pressure and improve liver functionality.
Check our vitamin D levels, low level of vitamin D can impact our mental health.
