Cortisol is the known "stress hormone" made in the adrenal glands. When cortisol levels are too high it can be deceiving as it may make you think you are being ultra-productive but at the same time may be robbing you of much-needed sleep, making you feel wired. Some of the symptoms associated with women's health when our cortisol is too high can be subtle and if not addressed can lead to further issues.
Let's explore some of the symptoms women can experience when their cortisol levels are high:
Disrupted digestion, mental function, and metabolism
Weakened ability to fight infection
Low sex drive
Weight gain (especially around the belly)
Trouble sleeping
Cravings for salt or sugar
Heavy, painful, or otherwise difficult periods
If you have experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above and think it is due to elevated cortisol levels you can try to lower them naturally. To do this try doing one or more of the following:
Go to bed each night at the same time, wake up at the same time, and get out in the sunshine. This creates a good circadian rhythm, which optimises your hormone balance naturally
Limit alcohol, you might think it relaxes you, but alcohol actually increases cortisol
Despite your craving for these things avoid caffeine, sugar, and processed food
Get moving, but be aware that running hard and over training without enough rest can increase cortisol. The constant demand for glucose in the muscles can create a form of chronic stress. You may find yoga, Pilates, or walking in nature helps relax your mind while exercising your body
Get a monthly massage to reduce stress and relax muscles
Try meditation to slow your mind down, reduce anxiety, and lower cortisol levels