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Women say how I help them is just so mind-blowing

"I managed to tip the scales at nearly 14 stone. With support and guidance from Delilma Nutrition, I was able to get down to 10 stones." Kate Back

I support women between the ages of 30-50 who are unable to reach their weight loss goals due to having hormonal imbalances. Helping women to regain their confidence and be the best version of themselves.

My goal as a nutritionist is to educate as many women as possible on the importance of good nutrition, breaking the body image barrier we always seem to see via social media models and or magazines.

How does hormone imbalance impact your weight loss?

Well, you see our hormones send signals to different cells in the body. If a hormone is imbalanced it can slow down the metabolism which results in the body not burning energy effectively which over a period of time can cause weight gain.

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